Next day group B and D went for shopping. They brought all the necessary materials which is needed for preparation of momo. Group A and group C were in cutting department. That day we cut all the vegetables and we make dough at the evening. On 10th of Poush we make momo. This day I went school at 8:30 am. After that we started to make momo. I collected money from every teachers that

Some amount collected during preparation of Momo are-:
Total amount collected- Rs 33220
Expense- Rs 25720
Amount remained- Rs 7500
All the students and project teachers have decided to buy lactogen for small children. Altogether we bought 25 packets of lactogen. Before the day of

Chole Bhature is a dish from Punjab region in the
northern part of the Indian subcontinent. This dish is combination of chana masala and bhatura a fried bread made from maida flour. The main ingredients required for this is chickpeas and maida. It is famous mainly in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is eaten as morning breakfast or snacks.
One day before the preparation some boys went for shopping. They all bought the necessary materials required for the preparation. At evening we make dough. We mix some sugar, curd and ghee while making dough. Next day morning we make chole.

Some of the amount we expense while preparing Chole Bhature are-:
1) Departmental Store- Rs 2765
2) Vegetables- Rs 250
3) Masala- Rs 80
4) Curd- Rs 100
5) Plastic materials- Rs 330
6) Catering- Rs 690
Total amount- Rs 4215
The last part of our project was Presentation. Group A and C were making one presentation whereas group B and D were making one. We group B and D combined group and total 6 students were presenting presentation. Students of grade 8 and our project were audience. All the students have particular topic to speak on. All presented their presentation in a great way. We even clicked some photos while doing this presentation. After presentation some students asks questions wheras some gave us suggestion.
I would especially thank to our project teacher Mr.Deepak Shrestha, Mrs.Aarati Acharya and Mr.Khem Paneru and Mr.Kamal Nepal for helping and supporting us to complete this project successfully.I like to thank our school also for giving us opportunity to learn and make momo. It was one of my best project in my life. After attending this project I have learned to make momo and I know about the value of food.